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Blood Drive Chairpersons: Click here to log in

Blood Drive Choices

There are two ways to Host a Blood Drive at your organization. You can either host the blood drive in-house or in a self-contained bloodmobile.

In-House Blood Drive

If your organization has a large, comfortable room where all the blood drive equipment can be set up, such as a gymnasium, community center, or large conference room, then an in-house blood drive is the choice for you. Members of your organization can walk down the hall and conveniently donate blood. San Diego Blood Bank provides all the necessary equipment and will help set up the registration, health screening, and post-donation canteen area before the blood drive begins.

Self-Contained Bloodmobile

If you do not have enough space to support an in-house blood drive, San Diego Blood Bank can bring the space to you with a self-contained bloodmobile. We’ll park our bloodmobile in a convenient location so that your organization can easily host a successful (and lifesaving) community blood drive.

Questions about how to organize your blood drive, leave a voicemail at (619) 400 – 8136 or contact us at